Jim originally launched Cookie Project Asia in 2016 while working in South Asia. Here are a few of the pictures from back then. Get ready for cuteness overload!
The following pictures show children being measured for height and weight. They did this monthly.
And these photos show how they made the cookies. They baked them in the stone oven pictured below.
Some of the products in the following pictures are actually buns, not cookies, but these show what their kitchen and cookie packaging process looked like. We would hire locals in South Asia to bake the cookies, portion them up, and distribute them daily.
And these pictures show the children eating their cookies. They each received four cookies (two in the morning and two in the evening) and a glass of milk per day.
Aren’t they precious?? We are so excited to launch this nonprofit again and help more children in South Asia receive the nourishment and care that they need.
If you would like to support this ministry as we relaunch, please consider giving.